What is a DSAR? Understanding Data Subject Access Requests.

In today’s digital age, personal data is constantly being collected, processed, and stored by organisations across the globe. With this surge in data collection, the importance of data privacy and protection has never been more critical. Green Arrow Consultancy understands that one of the fundamental rights granted to individuals under data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, is the right to access their personal data. This is where Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) come into play.

Updated on:

October 9, 2024

In today’s digital age, personal data is constantly being collected, processed, and stored by organisations across the globe. With this surge in data collection, the importance of data privacy and protection has never been more critical. Green Arrow Consultancy understands that one of the fundamental rights granted to individuals under data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, is the right to access their personal data. This is where Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) come into play.


Defining DSAR

A Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) is a formal request made by an individual to a data controller to access personal data that an organisation holds about them. This right is enshrined in various data protection laws worldwide, such as the GDPR in Europe, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States, and other similar regulations. The purpose of a DSAR is to give individuals control over their persona information by allowing them to know what data is being collected, how it is being used, and with whom it is being shared.


Why DSARs Matter

DSARs are a crucial aspect of data privacy because they empower individuals with transparency and control over their personal information. By submitting a DSAR, individuals can:

·  Verify the Accuracy of Data: Individuals have the right to ensure that the data held about them is accurate and up-to-date. If inaccuracies are found, they can request corrections.

·  Understand Data Processing: DSARs provide individuals with insights into how their data is being processed, including the purposes for processing, the categories of data being processed, and the parties with whom the data is shared.

·  Identify Data Security Risks: By accessing their data, individuals can assess the security measures in place to protect their personal information and identify potential risks.

·  Exercise Further Rights: Once individuals have accessed their data, they may choose to exercise additional rights, such as the right to erasure (right to be forgotten), the right to restrict processing or the right to data portability.


The DSAR Process

The DSAR process typically involves several steps for the individual making the request and the organisation receiving it.

·   Submitting the Request: The individual, often referred to as the data subject, submits a request to the business, usually via a designated form, email, or other official channels. The request should clearly state that it is a DSAR and provide sufficient information to identify the individual and the data being requested.

Verification of Identity: To protect against unauthorised access to personal data, the organisation may require the data subject to verify their identity. This is a crucial step to ensure that the request is legitimate.


·  Data Retrieval and Assessment: Upon receiving a DSAR, the organisation must locate and assess all relevant data. This can be a complex process, especially for organisations that handle large volumes of data across multiple systems and databases.


·   Response to the Request: Businesses are typically required to respond to a DSAR within a specified timeframe—usually within 30 days under the GDPR, although extensions may be granted in certain circumstances. The response should include a copy of the data, along with an explanation of how it is being processed, the legal basis for processing, and any other relevant information.


·  Providing the Data: The data provided should be in a commonly used, machine-readable format. Organisations should also take care to explain any complex technical terms or codes to ensure that the data subject fully understands the information provided.


·  Handling Additional Requests: After receiving the data, the data subject may request further actions, such as corrections, deletions, or restrictions on processing. Organisations must be prepared to handle these follow-up requests in compliance with data protection regulations.


Challenges of Handling DSARs

While DSARs are a fundamental right for individuals, they present significant challenges for businesses, particularly those that process large amounts of data. Some of the common challenges include:

Data Location and Retrieval: Identifying and retrieving allrelevant data across various systems, databases, and storage locations can be adaunting task. This is especially true for organisations with complex ITinfrastructures or those that rely on third-party service providers for dataprocessing.

Data Security and Privacy Concerns: Ensuring that data issecurely transmitted and accessed only by authorised individuals is a criticalconcern. Businesses must implement robust security measures to protect personaldata throughout the DSAR process.

Resource Intensive: Processing DSARs can beresource-intensive, requiring dedicated personnel, time, and technology. Fororganisations that receive a high volume of requests, this can strain resourcesand impact operational efficiency.

Compliance with Regulations: Organisations must ensure thattheir DSAR processes comply with relevant data protection regulations.Non-compliance can result in significant fines and reputational damage.


How Osano Can Help with DSAR Compliance

Given the complexities and challenges associated with DSARs,many organisations turn to specialised solutions to streamline the process andensure compliance. Osano is one such platform that offers comprehensive toolsand services to help organisations manage DSARs efficiently and effectively.


What is Osano?

Osano is a leading data privacy management platform designed to help organisations comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR,CCPA, and others. The platform provides a range of tools and features that simplify data privacy management, including DSAR processing, consent management, and data mapping.


Key Features of Osano for DSAR Management

Automated DSAR Workflows: Osano offers automated workflows that guide organisations through the entire DSAR process, from request in take to data retrieval, verification, and response. This automation reduces the manual effort required to process DSARs, ensuring timely and accurate responses.

Centralised Data Management: With Osano, businesses can centralise their data management processes, making it easier to locate and retrieve personal data. The platform integrates with various data sources, allowing for seamless data retrieval across different systems and databases.

Identity Verification: To ensure that DSARs are legitimate, Osano includes identity verification features that help businesses confirm the identity of the requestor before releasing any personal data. This step is crucial for protecting against unauthorised access and potential data breaches.

Secure Data Transmission: platforms like Osano prioritise data security by providing secure channels for transmitting personal data. This ensures that sensitive information is protected throughout the DSAR process, educing the risk of data breaches.

Regulatory Compliance: Osano is designed to help organisations stay compliant with various data protection regulations. The platform provides templates and best practices for responding to DSARs, ensuring that responses meet legal requirements.

Audit Trails and Reporting: Osano maintains detailed audit trails of all DSAR activities, allowing businesses to track and document their compliance efforts. This is particularly useful for demonstrating compliance with regulators and for internal reporting purposes.

The Benefits of Using Osano for DSARs

Efficiency and Time Savings: By automating key aspects of the DSAR process, software like Osano helps businesses save time and resources. This allows data privacy teams to focus on more strategic tasks rather than getting bogged down by manual processes.

Risk Mitigation: The emphasis on data security and regulatory compliance helps organisations mitigate the risks associated with DSAR processing, including the risk of data breaches and non-compliance fines.

Improved Customer Trust: By efficiently handling DSARs and respecting individuals’ data privacy rights, businesses can build and maintain trust with their customers. This trust is increasingly important in today’s data-driven economy.

Scalability: platforms like Osano are designed to scale with an organisation’s needs, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations. This scalability ensures that businesses can handle an increasing volume of DSARs as their customer base grows.



Partner with us at Green Arrow to implement Osano, or if preferred, we can support you in working directly with their team. This article discusses DSAR management and the best practices to handle it. We've collaborated closely with the Osano team for years and highly recommend their Privacy Platform. Feel free to reach out to us for tailored privacy expertise, or connect directly with Osano if you're looking to use their Privacy Platform independently, without consulting assistance.